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[Final Update] FinalGalaxy 2.0.2 - The viral facebook Space Strategy MMOG

5/20/11 التسميات:

[Final Update] FinalGalaxy 2.0.2 - The viral facebook Space Strategy MMOG

FinalGalaxy 2.0.2 - The viral facebook Space Strategy MMOG

Part 1: The Basic Game
I composed an update of the game prior to releasing the promised ADD-ONs.
This update adresses some minor issues and also make sinstalling the coming ADD-ONs much easier and more smoothly.
If you have the game already installed, just copy the files over the exiting ones. No SQL queries needed. Therefore the re-post.
Please re-download for the 2.0.2 UPDATE.

As there IS demand for support, we will now use a support forum and all Releases / Add-Ons will be available from this forum.
Registration (one-click via facebook or manual) is mandatory, to avoid people spamming ScriptMafia for support just because they are too "lazy" to sign up for an account on the official support forums. is NOT a support platform for FinalGalaxy!!

First Add-On is following after I posted this. Are you ready???? :D :D

I will be releasing all Add-Ons to this game, one-by-one, later. This is the game itself and I want to separate the people who know to install and maintain such a game from the "experts" here who scream "Faaaaaaake" like they just outsmarted the internet and the real reason being, that they just have no clue. The Add-Ons require adding files, editing existing ones (nothing dramatic but still) and adding/executing SQL Queries. People who have no clue will fail in doing that properly and then annoy me for "support" ... I hope you see now why I chose this way of doing this.

Please, before you do anything, look at my DEMO installation:

You can only login via facebook in the demo, while in the version I supply here you can also register normally. I am all about facebook in my game, but you don't have to be. In the demo, you will see the full blown functionality of the game with (almost) all Add-Ons. Feel free to stay and play, as the game is live and will stay online permanently. You will also be able to test the facebook features (which you couldn't if you hadn't login with facebook).

This game is NOT some OpenSource Game. It was BASED on an OS game but has been developed for years since. Look at the demo and compare, it is nothing you have ever seen (here), except maybe form Million-Dollar-Corporations, but even in those, you will not have the facebook viral functions that FinalGalaxy has ...

Below a few screenshots:
The GFX Galaxy Overview

[Final Update] FinalGalaxy 2.0.2 - The viral facebook Space Strategy MMOG

The facebook Inviter

[Final Update] FinalGalaxy 2.0.2 - The viral facebook Space Strategy MMOG

The PayPal / MoneyBookers / AlertPay Gateway (which will add game items automatically on payment!)

[Final Update] FinalGalaxy 2.0.2 - The viral facebook Space Strategy MMOG

The Tutorial which a) teaches the User the game so he stays and b) forces him to act viral by inviting x Users, to complete a mission

[Final Update] FinalGalaxy 2.0.2 - The viral facebook Space Strategy MMOG

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